WEBVTT FILE 1 00:00.367 --> 00:02.359 Hello, my name is Mateus Castro 2 00:02.391 --> 00:04.524 and this is my first photo shoot 3 00:04.781 --> 00:06.265 for MundoMais 4 00:06.757 --> 00:07.967 Photo shoot! 5 00:08.576 --> 00:10.277 You all will enjoy! 6 00:10.969 --> 00:12.151 And that's it! 7 00:14.845 --> 00:16.228 Do I try this one? 8 00:17.956 --> 00:18.956 Alright then... 9 01:17.933 --> 01:18.933 My career? 10 01:19.481 --> 01:21.498 How it all started... 11 01:22.398 --> 01:24.488 My career began 12 01:24.611 --> 01:25.611 about 13 01:25.826 --> 01:29.907 two years ago, more or less... 14 01:32.306 --> 01:34.882 I met this girl 15 01:34.927 --> 01:38.097 who was already into the porn industry 16 01:38.157 --> 01:43.357 and I met some other people in the area 17 01:43.494 --> 01:47.802 She then asked if I was interested 18 01:48.199 --> 01:51.338 I was unemployed at the time 19 01:52.932 --> 01:55.711 Why not? I needed money... 20 01:55.960 --> 02:02.852 And then I started in a big studio right away 21 02:03.192 --> 02:06.249 I got famous right away... 22 02:08.088 --> 02:09.688 It scared me at first... 23 02:09.713 --> 02:10.961 I stopped 24 02:11.025 --> 02:15.187 and then a year later 25 02:15.594 --> 02:17.128 I needed money again... 26 02:17.195 --> 02:20.227 A friend of mine asked me if I knew 27 02:20.295 --> 02:22.697 somebody in the porn industry 28 02:23.044 --> 02:25.914 I texted him with the contact info 29 02:26.319 --> 02:27.613 And then the guy asked 30 02:27.809 --> 02:30.008 if I would do a new scene 31 02:30.097 --> 02:33.559 for a good amount of money 32 02:34.394 --> 02:36.594 Then instead of helping my friend 33 02:36.616 --> 02:38.792 I ended up taping the scene! 34 02:39.071 --> 02:42.170 And then it all started for good. 35 03:42.738 --> 03:44.304 This is just a photo shoot 36 03:44.360 --> 03:45.576 It's just fine! 37 03:46.164 --> 03:51.465 I'm used to being naked everywhere... 38 03:53.082 --> 03:53.841 So... 39 03:53.920 --> 03:57.347 I was just afraid of being too famous 40 03:57.386 --> 03:59.785 of the family finding out... 41 04:00.968 --> 04:04.985 People begin to comment... 42 04:05.126 --> 04:10.405 "That guy is a porn actor" 43 04:11.490 --> 04:13.417 And then you begin to see who are 44 04:13.473 --> 04:15.425 the members of the site 45 04:16.110 --> 04:19.452 when you begin to hear the comments 46 04:19.520 --> 04:23.091 And then I stopped thinking about it 47 04:23.147 --> 04:24.988 and took it seriously 48 04:25.211 --> 04:26.211 Here I am 49 04:26.495 --> 04:27.745 finding my space 50 04:29.568 --> 04:30.568 I'm ready! 51 04:32.421 --> 04:34.019 Oh yes 52 04:34.143 --> 04:37.219 My relationship with the gay audience 53 04:37.319 --> 04:39.960 is very good 54 04:40.202 --> 04:44.431 Everyone is very sweet with me 55 04:44.705 --> 04:48.052 I get a lot of messages in Twitter 56 04:48.190 --> 04:50.758 praising me... 57 04:55.550 --> 04:58.627 They say my scenes are so real 58 04:58.739 --> 05:00.006 That I'm not faking 59 05:01.184 --> 05:02.880 I'm always very happy 60 05:04.734 --> 05:09.901 I don't go to gay clubs 61 05:10.247 --> 05:13.868 But when I was younger... yes 62 05:13.962 --> 05:16.115 I had a lot of friends 63 05:17.779 --> 05:18.779 So... 64 05:19.295 --> 05:20.455 I'm ok with that 65 05:20.534 --> 05:21.940 I never had any prejudice 66 05:21.962 --> 05:23.362 and I will never have 67 05:23.514 --> 05:26.281 Everyone is very respectful, so... 68 05:26.326 --> 05:27.839 It's all right 69 05:28.198 --> 05:29.849 So, guys... 70 05:30.103 --> 05:37.098 For all of you who are fans of hairy guys 71 05:37.288 --> 05:38.944 I don't like hair 72 05:39.079 --> 05:43.409 I prefer something more... clean 73 05:43.567 --> 05:45.062 So... 74 05:45.128 --> 05:47.987 Some of you who like hairy guys 75 05:48.076 --> 05:49.076 I'm sorry, but 76 05:49.284 --> 05:51.338 this is my style, I like it this way... 77 05:51.439 --> 05:52.243 Alright? 78 05:52.284 --> 05:53.872 Small thigh, right? 79 05:54.262 --> 05:55.757 Look at that 80 05:57.073 --> 05:58.073 Fuck... 81 05:59.415 --> 06:01.658 The result of working out my legs 82 06:02.110 --> 06:03.359 It's working 83 06:03.920 --> 06:07.279 My legs are hairy... 84 06:28.367 --> 06:30.187 If I'm a wanker? 85 06:30.638 --> 06:32.105 Show me one single guy 86 06:32.148 --> 06:33.346 who is not! 87 06:33.411 --> 06:36.824 You're a liar if you say you're not 88 06:36.893 --> 06:38.585 Me, at least... 89 06:38.624 --> 06:41.567 Three times a day at a minimum 90 06:41.996 --> 06:44.541 You're alone at home... 91 06:44.645 --> 06:46.926 No one to call... 92 06:47.069 --> 06:50.647 Run to the bathroom... open XVideos and... 93 06:50.918 --> 06:52.412 That's it 94 06:53.197 --> 06:54.368 This is it 95 06:55.209 --> 06:57.609 If you wanna follow me in Twitter... 96 06:57.760 --> 06:59.504 Mateus 97 07:01.384 --> 07:03.701 Nobody deletes me this time! 98 07:04.932 --> 07:09.546 I published a photo from a porn video 99 07:09.612 --> 07:12.292 Nothing to explicit, but... 100 07:12.357 --> 07:15.286 it's Twitter and its new rules 101 10:07.781 --> 10:08.991 So guys 102 10:09.153 --> 10:15.670 I hope you like the photos 103 10:15.872 --> 10:19.461 I wait for your comments 104 10:19.617 --> 10:23.682 So I can come back here 105 10:23.891 --> 10:25.479 So... a big kiss 106 10:25.531 --> 10:27.665 Mateus Castro... don't forget it 107 10:27.758 --> 10:28.758 Bye bye